Raspberry Pi Images

Image Link SHA256 Sum
2022-05-10-ubiquity-focal-base 7692a22265421b511baf8c2563ca20bf27bbe64f7f4a696923b56d0e1cc139ec
2021-11-24-ubiquity-xenial-lxde eab6d6ad0320893c12ee2a72f542ed12e5812293ac1dccb98db1ee02b03d2455
2020-11-07-ubiquity-xenial-lxde 8585c3839e2405163302f0fef774c1caa22b4ebc6f2582d9266a30ecef6987b4
2020-02-10-ubiquity-xenial-lxde bce2437fa8c33a43ec972304f6ca92f3a56e659a053ff0f21b4224e7d99fc28a
2019-06-19-ubiquity-xenial-lxde 3a691ce442f4432c24ab0305b270fa38128681da276402e4e6f619c7e54976ca
2019-02-19-ubiquity-xenial-lxde cef9f11b34d30ecc72db516ff7a92e98862ff708b38251b6b70821ba6342e3f1
2019-02-10-ubiquity-xenial-lxde 45269a92a4a709d86f703a0038f47c2faf9db48170ba618ada00183005138b04
2018-12-08-ubiquity-xenial-lxde a7db887d9ce0f4c26eeff8ec578ccbe7862724345ee33511712c1c85e8e4215b
2018-11-15-ubiquity-xenial-lxde 12fc9d824e386287163e562feb9f02567f200290fce560619ab8b54d7d1af290
2018-06-27-ubiquity-xenial-lxde c9f86d12098788ee459cab5c3c54d1eda30dc5183abb2e53d28201d5c901bbdd
2018-06-07-ubiquity-xenial-lxde bbf260dfa7b97acc896faa9af10d05e4feca19aa1b36b859748ea125d0285dcf
2018-01-13-ubiquity-xenial-lxde 9f9db4187cf76add1e5580f3aa80067374bd670f0dcea3044316f0ba8508e508

Installing Pi Images

Under Ubuntu Linux we recommend using the GNOME Disks tool to flash images onto the Micro SD card as it has native support for xz compressed images. If you haven't installed it, simply run sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility. Then you can double click on the downloaded image file, the GNOME Disks tool will automatically come up, and you can direct it to expand the image on to an SD card drive attached to your computer.

On other operating systems we recommend using etcher or Win32DiskImager to flash images onto SD cards.

Getting Started

NOTE: When the Raspberry Pi boots for the first time, it resizes the file system to fill the SD card, this can make the first boot take some time.

If you want to use our image for something other than our robots, please read this document.

Our image comes up as a Wifi access point. The SSID is ubiquityrobotXXXX where XXXX is part of the MAC address. The wifi password is robotseverywhere.

Once connected, it is possible to log into the Pi with ssh ubuntu@ with a password of ubuntu. If you connect up a keyboard and mouse enter the password ubuntu at the prompt.

If you are not running on one of our robots run sudo systemctl disable magni-base to ensure that our startup scripts get disabled. Another aptly named service 'roscore' starts the roscore independently at boot.

About the Pi Images

The Ubiquity Robotics Raspberry Pi images are based on Ubuntu 16.04. They are pre-installed with ROS Kinetic, perfect for building your Raspberry Pi robots. Based on the wonderful work of Ubuntu Pi Flavor Makers.

The Pi Images are designed to work with the Raspberry Pi 3 (Model B and B+) and Raspberry Pi 4B, we do not test on any other Pi's. They are known to not work at all on the Original Pi and the Pi Zero.

Like Our Raspberry Pi Images?

Then you will probably also like our robots. Learn more on our website

You can also support the image developers by donating

Academic Use

The distribution is hosted, maintained and distributed without any charge to anyone. We do request, however, that if you are using it for academic or research purposes that you email us a copy of / link to any research output, including papers, masters or PhD thesis, reports or published code, we love that stuff and voraciously read it. You can send it to researchreports@ubiquityrobotics.com.

Image Bugs and Contributions

The latest image listed here is to the best of our knowledge functional and stable, however if you catch any bugs or run into trouble, please file a Github Issue, or email us at support@ubiquityrobotics.com.